











王珏博士于20188月获得美国佐治亚大学(University of Georgia的教育心理学(量化方法)博士学位。同月,王珏博士入职美国迈阿密大学(University of Miami),任教育心理学系助理教授 (Tenure-track Assistant Professor),并于20208月被聘为该系的副主任(Associate Chair)

此外,王珏博士于2020-2022年任美国教育协会(AERARasch测量组的主席(Rasch SIG Chair);目前是学术期刊Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science,研究方法论和统计学板块的主编;曾于2016-2018年任学术期刊Journal of Educational Measurement的主编助理;且是13个高水平学术期刊的审稿人。



* 欢迎优秀本科生申请实习,开展大学生研究计划等。

* 招收硕士生、硕博连读生和申请考核制博士生。攻读博士学位者需要经受过基础科研训练,并具有明确的职业规划和长远目标。拥有一定的数理和编程基础的申请者优先。

* 聘用博士后,特任副研究员。申请者需拥有心理学研究背景,熟悉RSAS、或其它统计编程软件,并以第一作者身份发表过SCI/SSCI论文。申请者还需具有团队精神,在独立自主基础上,勇于通过自学与合作,积极解决个体和团队的科研问题。特任副研究员岗位原则上需要有博士后经历,或海内外著名高校毕业、科研业绩突出的博士生。


Psychometrics and Educational Measurement Lab

The lab, based in USTC’s Department of Psychology, is interested in all aspects of research into measurement in psychology and assessment in education with a specific emphasis on cultivating learning in K-12 settings.

The lab’s main research aims are:

1. Conduct research into the role of educational and psychological assessments in selecting the gifted students in K-12 settings.

2. Develop framework of educational assessment to understand the dynamics of learning processes and interpret the learning outcomes in China’s education system.

3. Develop unfolding model techniques for understanding and measuring human perception and attitudes.

4. Advance modern measurement theories (e.g., Rasch measurement theory, unfolding theory, item response theory) for solving measurement problems.

5. Explore rater effects and decision-making processes in operational scoring activities for high-stake assessments.

6. Develop system including computer adaptive learning, adaptive testing, and adaptive scoring for rater-mediated assessments.

7. Perform process data mining and analysis for understanding human raters’ behaviors, emotions, and judgment decisions.

Principal Investigator (PI)

Jue Wang, Ph.D., is a tenure-track assistant professor at the Department of Psychology in the USTC. Her research emphasis is on the development of quantitative methods for advancing measurement theory and practices in social sciences.

Dr. Wang received her Ph.D. in the Quantitative Methodology program under the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Georgia. She started her career at the University of Miami as a tenure-track assistant professor in the Department of Educational and Psychological Studies (EPS). She was the Associate Chair of EPS in 2020-2021.

In addition, Dr. Wang was elected to serve as the Chair of AERA Rasch Measurement Special Interest Group (SIG) for two years (2020-2022). In terms of editorial responsibilities, she is currently serving as a Section Editor (2020-2023) for Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science (MPEES) in charge of the Research Methodology and Statistics Section. She has also worked as an editorial assistant for the Journal of Educational measurement between 2016 and 2018. Furthermore, she is an ad-hoc reviewer for 13 peer-reviewed journals.

Join Us

We welcome outstanding undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral scholars to apply. Undergraduate and graduate applicants may be from any discipline, not limited to psychology.

Undergraduate students are encouraged to apply for internships and university-sponsored research programs.

Applicants for graduate programs, both master’s and doctoral degrees, should demonstrate an excellent college record and a clear career goal. Applicants with math or statistics knowledge and computer programming skills are preferred.

Postdoctoral research fellow and research associate are welcomed to apply. The applicants should have established an outstanding scholarship in the field of psychology, and be familiar with R, SAS, or any other statistical program. At least one first-authored publication in SCI/SSCI journals is required. Applicants should also embrace teamwork, have effective communication skills, and be independent and responsible. To apply for the research associate position, postdoc experience is required; however, flexibility may be given to those who graduated from a well-known university with a strong track record of publications.

Interested applications should send their CV and a cover letter to the PI (email: juewang01(at)ustc.tsg211.com). Please mention “Application for Internship”, “Application for graduate program (master’s/doctorate)”, or “Application for postdoc/research associate” in the subject line of your email.